Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Insult of Almost

"The most painful insult is ALMOST", that's what one of my favorite Salesian told us.

Everyone of us is destined to grow and become better every day. The human person is such a dynamic being that he is able to evolve in each moment of his existence. Such dynamism is deeply rooted in our free will, that being creatures of highest intellect, we are more adept at adaptation and evolution, clutching at the environment for our own purposes. What's more is that each individual is unique and singular, with everyone having his own set of qualities and unlimited potential.

It is quite sad that in today's world, most of us think in limited terms. When we could have done more, we have done the minimal, for requirement's purpose. Deep inside however, we know that we are much more than what we are now. Even in our self-imposed limits, we are aware of the deep and vast potential that is within, most of us are too afraid to wield this power. People are too afraid with their potential for power. We could become a greater specie - ALMOST.

Yes, almost. It is curse of self-imposed limitation. When we know we are better, we settle for the "normal". As each individual is a reflection of the Divine, so are we made ready for perfection even before our birth. The destiny of perfection is already written before us, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" (Jeremiah 1:5). The human race couldn't be standardized to a set of should-be's because each of us is a precious gem, each individually made, and each complementing the other. So it is a sin to compare against another for that is similar to wishing to be another.

While it is true that everyone, by skill, talent, intellect, social status, and beauty, are not born equal doesn't mean one human is less or better than the other. Human dignity does not rest on credentials, instead it is based our each individual will and spirit. The credentials we each have and are jealous for are nothing but the result of the wise use of the will and spirit. Talk about persons excelling in a field they are least inclined to.

So while I am not naturally gifted in sports and body movement, I have the spirit and will to train myself to do better. With God's grace, that is enough to push me to become better than those who are naturally athletic themselves. While I am quite gifted in my vocal quality, it doesn't mean someone with ordinary voice couldn't sing better than me. Not all names in the dean's list have genius-level I.Q.'s .Excellence after all depends on each individual, but then again, ALMOST.

"So be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) Go beyond the ALMOST the world is trying to teach you. We are better than who we are today. Mathematically if you consider this statement, it is an exponential equation. We are exponential beings, being able to do twice and thrice what we did yesterday. Therefore do not believe the commercials spitting out false gospels like "beauty matters" because what matters most are the fundamentals of our humanity. For even though we are different, we are equal in dignity.

Each of us is person of potential and power. Each of us is endowed with will and spirit. So when you are told that you are ALMOST, you are being insulted to the very core of your being because you are limited to less than perfect.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Special

Its the month of May, the month of women, the month of Mary, the month of moms!

I would like to thank my Mama for everything that she has done for me! I'm a mama's boy by the way. Hehe... (aside from the fact that I am also a papa's boy since I'm an only child) What would we do without our mothers? Love you, ma!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Indolence of Man

A hundred years ago, the colonists have accused the Filipinos of indolence. Now I wonder if such indolence is embedded in genetics and ran in the family of nations.

Thirty years ago, when oil first found its industrial use, science had already pointed out its limit. For years, the global economy ran on fossil fuels and oil is black gold. Fast forward in time, we see oil prices hiking much more than we thought they should. Transport groups are on the verge of revolution, consumers are bemoaning. Have we really considered the truth that crude oil is limited or have we chosen to close our eyes to an imminent reality? Wouldn't our intelligence be to blame for the current crises?

Thirty years ago, meteorological studies noticed a warmer global temperature and higher carbon dioxide volume in the atmosphere. A question over the existence of human induced global warming was born. The question became a rumor, rumor to debate, debate to concern, concern to issue, issue to global threat.

Every learned man has passed through the classroom and has undergone instruction. Knowledge and morality has not failed to find its way into our educational systems. But when these children grow to become the work force, such education fails to bear fruit or has it? Is man by nature indolent or is this the evil face of our nature?