Friday, September 27, 2019

The Only Victory

A sheathed sword, divested armor
The wearied soldier survives his war
Slumped down, head bowed in surrender
The fighter could only go so far
Battles lost and won in fighting
Bring nothing for him in glory
The toils for victory and sweat
Vain efforts of some short silly story
How life from its start to end
Is not measured by wins nor length
But through his daily struggles
The soldier dives to Wisdom’s depth
Victory could only last for long
In those who remembrance kept
Memory lasts in those who live
All glories fade when sun has set
A soldier becomes a victor when
He’s finally who he is
Through struggles fought he bares in soul
The story that is his
He bows his head, and leaves to rest
Takes nothing in his sleep
The soldier did survive his wars
His truth his only keep